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Foosball Resources
  • Foosball A resource for rules, chat, forums, articles, people, players, pros, kids, and amateurs.
  • Created to encourage foosers to share their foosball skills and knowledge, have fun and make friends.
Foosball Tables
  • Competitive Edge Basketball systems and lifetime basketball hoops for all your basketball needs. Visit our online Competitive Edge Products store.
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Indoor Games & Entertainment
  • Pool Table Custom wooden pool tables made of mahogany and honey oak in 7 and 8 foot sizes. Buy your billiard table today with many additional billiard supplies and accessories for your game room.
Soccer Resources
  • Soccer Rom SoccerROM helps soccer coaches gain the most from their practice sessions and manage their team information, offering a database of over 600 soccer drills, each featuring a detailed description and a realistic 3-D illustration.
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